Auto Layout by Tutorials raywenderlich

от 1 920 ₽

Learn How to Use Auto Layout!
This book will be your guide as you explore and master the many capabilities of Auto Layout.

This book is for iOS developers of all skill levels, from those just getting started building user interfaces to the experienced hands who want to get more from Auto Layout.

Topics Covered in Auto Layout by Tutorials
Interface Builder: Learn to use Interface Builder to construct and maintain your user interfaces.
Stack Views and Scroll Views: Learn how these special view types interact with Auto Layout and how best to utilize them in your apps.
Self-Sizing Views: Discover how to make your user interface dynamically adapt to its content.
Animating Constraints: See how to animate your Auto Layout constraints to provide feedback, focus user attention and improve navigation.
Adaptive Layout: Learn to use Auto Layout to make adjustments for screen size, orientation, Dynamic Type size and more.
Resolving Common Issues: Discover how to investigate when things go awry and learn how to resolve Auto Layout conflicts.
After completing this book, you’ll be prepared to harness the full power of Auto Layout in all of your apps.

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